Declaration Statement
I declare that I am at least 18 years of age, I have reached the age of majority in the territory of my residence, and I am authorized to act on behalf of the community group identified as “LoneWolf Project.” I have read and understood the server monetization rules, and all the information I submit in this form is true, correct, and up-to-date to the best of my knowledge.
I agree that Bohemia Interactive has the right to terminate the approval to monetize their software at its sole discretion and that Bohemia Interactive will not be held liable for any loss, incidental, or consequential damage arising out of the termination of this approval.
I agree that Bohemia Interactive is authorized to administer, process, and store my personal data in compliance with the Act No. 101/2000 Coll., the Data Protection Act. I am providing the data voluntarily, of my own accord, and in the awareness that the details may be processed for the purposes of maintaining the database of monetization approvals. This permission is given for an indefinite period of time.
I agree that my community group will not monetize Bohemia Interactive’s software until Bohemia Interactive approves my request.
I declare that I have sought out and been granted all necessary permissions/licenses to use and monetize any 3rd party content used on the servers for which I am requesting monetization permission.